What people say

People said nice things about me. Made me happy.


The work I did with Elena was my first coaching experience—a great discovery. I didn’t know exactly what to expect or even how to approach this kind of experience, but Elena put me at ease from the start and piqued my curiosity. Thanks to her, I’ve learned that each of us has more abilities and talents than we can imagine, the game is to re-activate and use them in the right way. Elena helped me rekindle my somewhat dormant self-esteem and explore useful tools for my professional and personal growth. I am very grateful for this journey I have made and I hope there will be more opportunities for conversations with her. We all need an “Elena” in our professional careers.
F.P. – Banking/Compliance

virgoletteElena was the first coach I worked with, and she truly showed me the benefits coaching can bring into one’s life. I started coaching to work on my stress management skills, leadership style, and career plans. After only a few sessions, I had discovered things about myself that I had never considered before, which not only helped me towards these goals, but in fact impacted many other areas in my life as well. Elena’s sharp observations, thoughtful follow-up-questions and visualizations helped me understand the drivers for my underlying mindsets and behavior. In addition, Elena provided helpful reflection questions—”homework”—which allowed me to dive deeper into each topic in between sessions. To me, coaching was first and foremost a journey of self-reflection and self-discovery, which Elena skillfully guided me on. Thank you Elena!
S.M. – Global Partnerships Lead, Nonprofit Organization

virgoletteI had the pleasure to meet Elena as my first coach and I felt from the very beginning that I could fully trust her. It took me no effort to open up and express the challenges I was facing at the time. Elena helped me define what the pain points exactly were, getting to the root cause. She supported me with a tailormade approach and guided me towards systematically overcoming those issues.
Thanks to Elena, I learned how to visualize and embrace the different nuances of what I previously considered big career blockers while focusing more of my energy on how to become a better manager and colleague. Lastly, she always struck me for her attention to detail and her deep empathetic attitude. I am grateful I had the chance to work with her and even more to know her as a person.
Angela – Head of Labs in African HealthTech Startup


The coaching sessions with Elena were a very powerful and positive experience for me in unlocking clarity and learning more about myself. Elena facilitates the whole process by making you feel immediately very at ease and comfortable during the sessions. She is very intuitive, observant, and truly listens to what you have to say. Elena guided the process with smart, thoughtful questions and visual scenarios that enabled me to reflect and unlock insights. The exercises Elena set as follow-up work in between the sessions were also particularly key for me in terms of making progress and reaching my overall goal. Highly recommended!
Emma – Digital Marketing Consultant


I approached the coaching engagement unaware of what was really going to happen. Yet, I was immediately aware that the person who would guide me on the journey would have made the difference. Elena was able to welcome me, paying attention to what I said and did, noticing gestures and unspoken words, reading expressions and reactions. She invited me to dig deeper inside myself, multiplying the perspectives to look at the same thing. It has been a journey at the intersection of professional attitudes and personal dimensions!
Thanks to Elena, I had the opportunity to experiment, doubt, and play, pushing my limits forward to access a sort of deeply emotional but extremely lucid “augmented reality.” I will always be grateful to Elena for encouraging me to open myself up to the possibility of adapting to the surrounding reality, the needs, and the specifics of each moment, without ever losing my personality: just as it happens in a system of communicating vessels.
C.C. – Banking/Compliance


I am a fairly self-reflective person, so while I was curious about and looking forward to the coaching experience, I was skeptical about how valuable it would be. Luckily, the value that Elena provided was clear from our very first session. I came in wanting to work on a few different things – ranging from wanting to make more time and space in my life for creativity; to becoming a better leader in the workplace. With all of these goals, Elena helped me to uncover limiting beliefs and face them head on – and she did it all warmly, compassionately, and with openness and care. She was very skilled at asking questions that helped me look at things in a new and different way, and she always gave me suggested ‘homework’ at the end of each session that helped me move from talk to action. At the end of every session, I always felt energized, inspired to act, and full of possibility. Better than that, during the six months we worked together, I saw myself making tangible progress on all of my goals. I am very much looking forward to continuing to use the skills, resources, and new ways of thinking that my coaching experience with Elena has revealed to me.
Bhavana Chilukuri – Nonprofit Executive

virgoletteWorking with Elena has opened me to the wonderful journey of coaching. I began my journey with some doubts about the process, mostly because of the long distance we would have to cover in terms of communicating only via video calls and with little prior knowledge about each other. But I need not have worried. Elena is warm and insightful, and guided the process with patience and openness. I am so grateful for how Elena helped me navigate through an important season of growth and discovery. The lessons I learned, with her guidance, have stayed with me and strengthened me for more exciting challenges ahead.
Nathania Aritao – Oxford MBA

virgoletteElena has a nice and warm personality, a professional Coach who easily builds trust, inspires and supports her Client in a friendly manner. It was a valuable experience for me to have Elena as my Coach. Thanks Elena!
Heru Yuwono Liem – Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, Lecturer


Having never had a coach before, when I first started working with Elena I wasn’t sure what to expect.  While I knew the experience would be transformational, I didn’t realize just to what degree. Elena has been invaluable to my development, both from a personal and professional standpoint. I met Elena at an interesting crossroads in my life full of major transitions including career, personal and environmental. Feeling scattered in thought and focus, Elena was the perfect sounding board for me to discuss life matters and feel comfortable in doing so. As a true thought provoker, strategist, and motivator, Elena challenged me to explore and ask questions, uncover more about myself and feel more confident. She helped move me from a stage of inaction to one that took more control over thought, made meaningful connections and took steps to achieve goals. When trying to deal with so much at once, Elena helped me to break things up into more manageable pieces but also made me realize, and more importantly, celebrate my progress and wins along the way. I loved my morning coaching with Elena as it kept me feeling energized and empowered even after! A truly remarkable confidant, friend, and guide. Thank you for supporting me on this journey that was full of growth and development.
Azra D.Project Manager

virgoletteI first met Elena in a business context, and I’ve been immediately impressed by her competence, and the breadth of her professional and personal experience. She inspires trust at first sight. Afterwards, I got to know other aspects of her personality, like her approachability and kindness, the ability to make people feel at ease, and her boundless passion and enthusiasm. I’m always amazed by her ability to share her wide knowledge with spontaneity and respect. Her attitude is radiant, gentle and generous, as well as straightforward, honest and professional. As a Coach, she successfully supported me during a sensitive time of my life, helping me identify the path to achieve my goals. Endowed with patience, poise, dedication and curiosity, she taps into a rich life to support and serve her clients.
G. F.HR Professional

virgoletteElena is an exceptional coach, and I grew as a person and a professional with her support. She was skilled at noticing my energy shifts and bringing this noticing into our sessions, was non-directive in approach, and offered me observations and choices with delicacy. Personally, I very much enjoyed the perspective of having a coach from another country. I also appreciated the lightness Elena brought into our sessions, so while we spoke of topics of great importance to me, there was fun too, so at the end of our calls I felt lighter.
I highly recommend Elena as a coach, and I would choose Elena as my coach in the future.
Susan Borutzki – Professional Life Coach, Facilitator

virgoletteElena is first of all a really nice person, and that makes you immediately feel at ease with her. She is also a very intelligent and sharp coach, with the ability to understand, and act on, the inner obstacles that we all have which impede us from exploring our full potential. I would recommend her as a coach to anyone who seriously wants to have fun, learn and become a better professional or executive.
Fabio Sgaragli – Open & Social Innovation Manager, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

virgoletteElena is an excellent leadership coach. Her real-life work experiences combined with her coaching education provide her with great perspective. She is professional, trustworthy, and able to effectively hone in on issues and challenges to help you accomplish your goals. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking to strengthen their leadership skills.
Annissa Deshpande – Principal at loglab, LLC

virgoletteElena remarkably balances both task orientation and caring of people. To my eyes her attitude makes her one of the most pleasant and effective person I’ve ever worked with.
Davide Paganoni – Group Director L&D at Groupe Edmond de Rothschild

virgoletteIt is with great confidence that I recommend Elena as a Human Resources professional with an exceptional work ethic and strong interpersonal communication skills. I had the pleasure of working with Elena on a Taproot Service Grant with Communities in Schools–San Fernando Valley. During the project, I relied heavily on Elena’s performance management expertise and organizational skills. Without her knowledge and dedication, we could not have finished the project on time nor met all of the client’s requirements. I would welcome the opportunity to work with her again and consider her an asset to both my professional and personal network.
Jim O’Gorman – Head of Talent and Organization at Quibi

virgoletteI had the honor of working with Elena as my coach for three months. She demonstrated great listening skills and a clear ability to support my coaching work with open thinking and thoughtful reflection. With the limited time that I was available, she was flexible in offering her time and right on target with her suggestions for my development. I recommend Elena as a business and personal coach.
Mickey Wallis– Senior Training and Organization Development Leader

virgoletteElena is a focused and smart professional, with excellent negotiation and relationship skills. In the opportunities I had to work with her I appreciated her hands-on approach and problem solving attitude, together with her true interest in understanding and helping others.
Mario Bastoni – Deputy Head of Human Resources at Amundi

virgoletteElena is an invaluable coach that everyone would want to work with. She is very committed, helpful, creative, and caring. She comes up with the best questions that you would never think of asking yourself. She has high attentive skills, and pays attention to the details without losing the grasp on the big picture. Elena works like an archeologist who helps you to find out the deepest artifacts and works with patience and care, and coach you through to take them out in order to achieve your goals. It has been a great pleasure working with her.
Behre O. Ozalp – Independent Performing Arts Professional, MFA

virgoletteElena is a person you like to work with. Constructive feedback and ability to think lateral are, in my opinion, her best qualities together with the capacity to well manage a committed and engaged team.
Giovanni Lanati – Head of Group Reward at Generali